Top Cyber Threats Users Need To Protect Themselves From In 2022


With the advent of internet advancements, cyber threats and problems have raised a lot too. As much sophistication as the internet security companies have achieved, the hackers have gone to the same lengths for breaking the barriers and threatening users online.

In doing so, users need to protect themselves from a series of online attacks that exist. However, with so much going on, users need to identify the biggest threats to protect themselves from while starting.

That is why we’re sharing some insights on what are the biggest cyber threats that the users need to protect themselves from in 2022. So without further ado, let’s begin:

Remote Work Attacks

With the COVID pandemic forcing businesses and companies to operate from home, cyber threats made their way into domestic networks at a similar speed. The primary reasons identified for users becoming victims of these threats included:

  • Poor internet connection
  • Not using VPNs or anti-phishing tools
  • No protective measures/ software
  • Unsafe devices/ personal devices used for accessing work servers

As a result, a lot of users were affected and companies faced similar disruptions due to the affected user node joining the company server. Therefore, companies should first ensure to implement stringent measures on devices and networks used to connect the primary database.

As for the internet, we can recommend Windstream internet, which will offer the right kind of internet speed alongside sophisticated security measures that will keep your device protected and secured.

Cloud Attacks

With numerous users working from home, accessing a local database wasn’t an optimal solution. Therefore, companies invested in allowing users to access centralized cloud databases for storing and retrieving information.

However, this also led to hackers knowing which database to attack to obtain control of the maximum information and use it for extortion purposes. Weak authentication, remote desktops, vulnerable networks, etc. are some potential loopholes that the hackers easily explored and made their way into various cloud databases to steal information.

Instead of storing the entire information in one centralized database, companies and users should either store it in different places or make duplicate databases and store them locally. Even though these duplicate databases will need to be updated with time, still, it’ll prevent the issue of losing the entire database to a cyberattack.

Double Extortion Ransomware Attacks

When it comes to cyberattacks, ransomware holds great precedence. However, a form of ransomware that even surpasses the former in terms of threat is double extortion ransomware. In ransomware, the hacker attacks the users’ devices, encrypting their data and demanding ransom for converting it back.

However, in double extortion ransomware, the hackers not only encrypt the data but also steal it. This is done to ensure that leverage is maintained over the victim and money can be extorted whenever wanted.

The hackers can easily use this technique to blackmail conglomerates into extorting money since their data is quite sensitive and can potentially damage them a lot. Moreover, companies have also reported losing millions of dollars to hackers as a result of double extortion ransomware attacks.

Credential Surfing Attacks

This is also one of the most common attacks that have been threatening online users for quite some time now. Credential surfing is different from phishing attacks since in phishing attacks the users accidentally share their credentials over fake links shared by the hackers.

However, credential surfing is done by using a set of credentials and applying them over numerous other services/ online platforms. Simply put, it’s like stealing a key to a car and then pressing the unlock button to check which car it unlocks in the parking lot.

The reason why credential surfing is effective is that most online users don’t bother changing or following password protection rules. In addition, most users use the same kind of passwords over multiple channels, which is why this technique becomes successful in a lot of cases.

Therefore, as users, one should avoid using the same credentials on multiple platforms. Also, one should keep updating their passwords now and then to ensure that such an attack doesn’t get successful.

IoT Attacks

One of the most prevalent attacks that have been a menace to numerous users in IoT attacks. The Internet of Things or IoT is why the entire internet world is interconnected and filled with information that is exchanged super-rapidly.

However, this brings an immense opportunity for hackers to hack their way through one device and affect other connected nodes. Ultimately, the hackers will potentially gain increased control of IoT devices leading to hacking other devices on a greater scale.

This has grown exponentially since the last few years and the sole reason is the lack of potential protective measures that can prevent hackers to make such attempts. However, even when such attempts are made, the hackers are able to identify potential loopholes via other methods and engage in a similar attack.

The only way of minimizing these attacks is by focusing on implementing stringent protective measures as well as continuously monitoring the flow of information passing through the IoT devices.

Closing Thoughts

Cyberattacks are indeed a menace and not having protective measures will lead to devastating results. The hackers can use any of the abovementioned methods to attack devices by any means needed. Moreover, users need to identify potential loopholes in their current security measures to ensure that everything remains protected. Again, strict monitoring protocols are also required for this purpose to ensure that any attack of sorts is mitigated/ eliminated almost immediately.

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