How You Should Perform A Website Speed Test


One of the most important ranking criteria in Google is website speed test.

If your website takes more than 15-20 seconds to load, you may see a drop in SEO rankings. As a result, a huge number of website owners are attempting to improve the performance of their websites.

However, website speed is not quite as simple as it sounds. Because there are a plethora of strategies of optimizing the website and evaluating the results.

For this reason, we’re going to go through how to do a good website speed test.

Why is the speed of a website important?

Website speed can have a significant impact on whether or not a visitor stays on your website. In fact, it’s far more crucial than that.

Site speed is a major ranking factor for search engines like Google when deciding which sites to display at the top of the search results page.

Sorry, but a slow website won’t be able to compete for the top spot! Search engine optimization (also known as SEO) relies on a fast website speed, thus it can’t be overlooked.

How to Perform a Website Speed Test

If you just do one sort of website speed test, you may not get an accurate idea of how fast your website is.

This is due to the fact that there are a lot of variables, each of which has the potential to affect the accuracy of the speed test results. If you want to get the best results from a website speed test, keep reading.

1. Use the Right Speed-Testing Tool.

If you wish to do a certain sort of speed test, you should use a tool that is specific to that sort of test. Different tools will provide you with different statistics and more or few choices for configuration.

2. Try Several Test Locations

The majority of website speed testing solutions allow you to test from any location in the globe. In this way, you can learn about the different speed of a website in various parts of the world. Undoubtedly, speed decreases with distance from the data centre.

Google Analytics can be used to find out where the majority of visitors originate from, making the test more appropriate. Conduct the test by selecting a server location in accordance with the traffic source. If you have different traffic sources, do multiple speed tests to discover if there are any changes in performance across regions.

Your site’s performance may also be tested with or without a CDN. It shows how well the CDN accelerates your website in a variety of locations throughout the world.

3. Conduct Tests for Various Browsers and Devices

A visitor’s device can have a significant impact on how well they perform.

Since low-powered cellphones can’t handle JavaScript as quickly as high-powered laptops can, a JavaScript-heavy site will require significantly longer time to load on such devices.

As a result, it’s critical that you test on a variety of devices. You should also need to try out a variety of web browsers to check if there are any noticeable differences.

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4. Do the Test Several Times

To ensure that the caching works, it is necessary to run many tests. There is no cache data to slow down your site while testing it for the first time. You should be able to determine if resources are cached using the response headers provided by site speed test results.

The caches should have enough data to demonstrate the website’s peak speed after several repetitions of the test. This is a good way to see how much of a difference caching makes to your website’s performance.

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5. Enable Website Caching.

Always check that the cache is enabled before doing the website speed test. This will ensure that the results are accurate.

To reduce server load and site slowness, temporary storing of web documents is known as caching. To speed up the loading of your website for regular users, you can enable your server to identify their requests when they return to your website by enabling your site cache.

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