New to the Concept of Web Accessibility? Here are Some Important Facts to Know!


With inclusivity becoming a standard norm across societies, the concept of web accessibility for one and all is becoming more and more common with every passing day! An expert marketing agency will also suggest picking up essential tips on enhancing web accessibility to position your website as a future-ready one. Also, making your website more accessible will ensure more exposure, more traffic, and improved business prospects. 

The Relevance of Accessibility

The very first case of an accessibility-related lawsuit occurred in 2017 when a blind man was unable to order a pizza for himself from the website of Domino’s. The case went to Federal Court and rightfully, the man won!

 And this happened simply because the website was not developed in a way to be compatible with software that supports screen reading. It is important to understand the needs of the differently abled, especially in the present scenario where a global pandemic has pushed us indoors. This is why your marketing agency near me will strongly advise you to make your website accessible to people struggling with disabilities. 

Simple Tips for Making your Website More Accessible

1. Running a Test: The very first step would be to make the site more accessible for running a website audit. This will tell you which facets of the design will require improvement. Irrespective of whether you have used a clean code coupled with standardized design guidelines, the website could still lack important elements. For instance, your marketing agency in Texas will advise you to include media alt tags for describing visuals and images when someone uses the screen reading software. When you run an accessibility test, these missing elements would be identified. 

2. Look for a Solution: For instance, if you are into political marketing or just about any field with a wide target audience, finding a better solution for improving the accessibility quotient of your website is always advisable rather than relying on free online tools. A solution that ensures compliance through changing phases in time as the recommendations and requirements evolve, is warranted. As soon as the change areas are identified, hiring a professional service provider that engages web designers, designers for enhancing user-friendliness, and developers is perhaps the best move.

3. Optimizing User Friendliness of the Website: Optimizing the user-friendliness of the website is one of the best ways to make it more accessible for people with special needs. Some of the simpler ways of doing it include:

I. Navigation: Always opt for clarity when it comes to navigation. Be careful with new forms of navigation including mega menus and hamburger menus. 

II. Text: Make sure you arrive at the best font type and the perfect font size so that the text you showcase is easily readable across all devices, platforms, and browsers. 

III. Forms: Forms should be made accessible by adding befitting labels to every field. 

IV. Links and Buttons: Using images in place of buttons is a bad idea. Links should be built with clear text, bold colors, and URLs. 

Web accessibility should go hand in hand with web design. Make sure you discuss the priorities with your designer. 

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